Parishes in the Diocese of Edmonton participated in the Back to Church Sunday invitational for the first time-ever on September 26th, 1010. Now the largest single local-church invitational initiative in the world, B2CS is based on the simplest and shortest step in evangelism - that we should invite someone we already know to something we love; invite our friend to our church.
The success of Back to Church Sunday is defined by “one person inviting one person”. By that measure, the diocese has made Back to Church Sunday a huge success! We are still collecting data from many parishes. Those parishes we have heard from report that, on average, the number of invitations issued equates to 72% of their regular Sunday attendance. That’s a huge percentage of members who stepped up and invited a friend (or some friends) Back to Church with them.
The primary goal of B2CS is not to get people into our pews, but to get the invitation out (no matter what the answer), and to continue making church something we do, rather than something we go to. Our parish members have done incredible work: inviting their friends, family and co-workers to join them in worship, and welcoming neighbours, old and new, into vibrant parishes.
For every 10 invitations given out, eight were accepted. The courage it took to extend an invitation and bring someone to church was often matched by the courage it took to accept that invitation and take the first step into a new faith community.
Excitement and enthusiasm were in the air, as the winds of the Spirit lifted our worship higher and opened our hearts wider to share Christ’s Good News and to welcome family, friends and co-workers to worship. Let’s pray that gift of joyful and unassuming hospitality continues to grow in our parishes.
Look for a more detailed analysis of B2CS in the November issue of The Messenger.
Background and Links
Back to Church Sunday was launched in the Diocese of Manchester in 2004. An evangelical act, it simply involves inviting friends and neighbours back to church.
Back to Church Sunday Coordinator Michael Harvey visited our diocese in April, and has challenged us to double our attendance on September 26, 2010! 
An invitation kit, including posters and 50 invitations, is available from Augsburg Fortress ( for $40 (including GST and shipping). A 42- page booklet called “reDiscover Church”; which details the ten reasons people leave church, and why they are coming back, can be viewed at:
Click Here to Find a Parish Near You!
Unlocking the Growth - Michael Harvey PowerPoint Presentation
Unlocking More Growth - Michael Harvey PowerPoint Presentation
Interview with Michael Harvey
BTCS Preparation Workshops
12 Steps to Becoming an Inviting Church Five-Minute Film Clips
For great tips on inviting people back to church click here.